Contributions to Writing Guide (current version)



Version Date User
2011-04-25 15:20 admin
2011-04-21 09:15 admin
2011-04-10 21:51 admin
2011-04-10 21:51 admin
2011-04-10 21:26 Writer
2011-04-10 21:26 Writer
2011-04-10 08:14 admin
2011-04-10 08:13 admin
2011-04-09 18:05 admin
2011-04-09 17:49 admin
2011-04-09 17:49 admin
2011-04-09 17:28 admin
2011-04-08 12:09 admin


Author Words Whitespaces Characters Printable characters
Used Deleted Used Deleted Used Deleted Used Deleted
admin 445 (70.0%) 0 (0.0%) 356 (69.3%) 0 (0.0%) 2755 (72.5%) 0 (0.0%) 2090 (72.7%) 0 (0.0%)
Writer 191 (30.0%) 0 (0.0%) 158 (30.7%) 0 (0.0%) 1047 (27.5%) 0 (0.0%) 786 (27.3%) 0 (0.0%)
Total 636 (100.0%) 0 (100.0%) 514 (100.0%) 0 (100.0%) 3802 (100.0%) 0 (100.0%) 2876 (100.0%) 0 (100 %)

Page changes

Here are some guidelines to help your writing fit in at Thereamid.


  1. No copyright infringement or plagiarism. If it isn't yours, don't put it here. This includes any external IPs or fan faction of other settings and stories. If in doubt, ask first.
  2. Self-insert characters and super-special characters that make everyone else look bad don't belong here. If you're trying to make your character more awesome or with more angst than anything else on the site you're doing it wrong. If in doubt, try taking a Mary Sue Test.
  3. Don't do anything that would change or alter another person's character or event without permission. This includes "Power Playing", where you control the other person's character without permission.
  4. On the other hand, you are encouraged to share your ideas with others and let them build on what you've come up with. Adding suggestions for how to best use a character or idea are encouraged. Designing ideas so that they can be shared is the goal.
  5. Participate in the Out-Of-Character? discussions. We want to get to know you. In particular, ideas that are announced before you unveil them are better received.
  6. Comments and criticism of your work are not an attack on you, try not to take them personally.
  7. Minor edits, such as spelling and grammar fixes are usually OK. Larger edits should be run past the original author or a Mod. Structural changes that don't affect content are more permissible, but should still be announced before you do them.
  8. Know the setting. Read the Genre Guide and follow it. Not all stories fit with Thereamid, and that's OK.
  9. Good writing is encouraged. Problems with tense, spelling, or grammar will get you downvoted. If it's severe enough, a Mod may step in and assist or rewrite parts for you, with appropriate notice. If you want help, go ahead and ask on the forums and someone will be glad to help you.
  10. Treat the other users as you want them to treat you.


Creating Characters

In order to contribute to the in-character side of things, you'll need to register a Character. You don't need a Character to post stories on the wiki, but you do need a Character to post in the in-character forum and to start a blog.
Here are the steps to create a new character:

  1. Log out of the site.
  2. Click on Register
  3. Fill out the registration form
    1. Name should be how you want your character referred to. This cannot be the same as your Writer name.
    2. Make sure that you use the same email address as your Writer account.
    3. Select "Character" instead of "Writer" for your group.
    4. Under "Character's User" select the name of your Writer account. This Writer will be assumed to own the character, so make sure you choose the right one.

You can only have one Writer account, but you are allowed as many Character accounts as you want.

Wiki Editing

If you need help with the wiki formatting, check out the Wiki Help or ask on the forum.
If you want to practice editing, try the

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Wanted Pages

  Wanted Page    Referenced By Page  
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike? License
Faerie Courts? Copper
Glamour? Copper
Glamour? Fae
Great Migration? Copper
Great Migration? Fae
Great Migration? Sycamore
In-Character? CommunityGuide
Lady of the Towers? Fae
MacDonald? Inspiration
Manheim? Otherworld
Oisin? TheSetting
Out-Of-Character? CommunityGuide
Shapings? The Lighted Path
ShareAlike? License
Skinchangers? Fae
StoryGuide_Willow? Willow
The Long Lady? The Lighted Path
TheWoadWalkerAbroad? ElfLight
Trees? Sycamore
Trees? Willow
Woad Walker? ElfLight
pixies? Fae