Cassie's Experiments

Tech Notes

Published by Cassie on 2011-04-18

Ariel's acting weird again, but I figure that I can at least let you folks know that you don't have to keep checking the site for updates. There's a link at the bottom of every page that will let you subscribe to the posts. Or you can click here:
That will walk you through subscribing.

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  Wanted Page    Referenced By Page  
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike? License
Faerie Courts? Copper
Glamour? Copper
Glamour? Fae
Great Migration? Copper
Great Migration? Fae
Great Migration? Sycamore
In-Character? CommunityGuide
Lady of the Towers? Fae
MacDonald? Inspiration
Manheim? Otherworld
Oisin? TheSetting
Out-Of-Character? CommunityGuide
Shapings? The Lighted Path
ShareAlike? License
Skinchangers? Fae
StoryGuide_Willow? Willow
The Long Lady? The Lighted Path
TheWoadWalkerAbroad? ElfLight
Trees? Sycamore
Trees? Willow
Woad Walker? ElfLight
pixies? Fae