Robert's Exciting Adventures

I am writing about my exciting adventures so that you will all know about them.
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Published by Robert on 2011-04-29

They all got really quiet. They were looking at me and they weren't dancing. I sang the song again, "Monday Tuesday and Wednesday too." Then they sang it, the whole thing. "Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday too." They sang it louder. "Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday too!"

They liked the song, and one of them got me a chair and they gave me a cup and they all said that they liked the song and that they were glad that I had taught them the ending. They had been singing it for a very long time, because someone had taught them the start of the song and then had left before they had learned the end of the song, so they couldn't stop singing it. I said that I knew lots more songs and they said that was alright because they did too.

They said that they wanted to make me their king and I said I had to be home for supper and they said alright they would take me back instead and I said alright and could I come back and they said yes I could because they liked my song. So that was alright. Then they danced some more and showed me how they danced. I asked did they like my dancing and they said yes very well.

I showed them the things that I had in my backpack and their eyes got big and they said that they liked my things. They wanted to trade me jewels for some of my things but I said no I didn't want any but did they have any cards and they said what are those and I showed them the deck that I had used to beat Tommy and they were amazed and said that they didn't have any cards but wanted to get some and I told them I had bought them at the store and then they asked what is a store. So I told them about money and things and they said O we have gold coins and I said that was money too and they said that I was right. I gave them the tennis ball instead.

They told me stories about how they were really good with fighting and with riddles and with making things. There was a scary woman that they were afraid of. They said that she walked in the shadows between the trees and they all shivered when they said it and they wouldn't tell me her name. They told me about the hunts they had in the woods. They said that they made their own horses and had very fun chases. They said they would take me on one and I would have fun and we would all sing my song.

Then after the stories I said that I had to get back home and they said how did you get here and I said there was a tunnel behind the cloth on the wall and they said O that won't take you back. Then they said they would take me back. They brought in their horses from outside and the horses were just my size and we all rode around inside and then we went outside. They threw the tennis ball ahead and we all chased it and it ran like it was alive until it stopped at a tree. They showed me that if you walk between two trees just right you can go back home, and I nodded and said O yes but it made my head dizzy and I closed my eyes for that part.

They took me to my back porch and my mother opened the door and called me in for dinner. They turned invisible and I thought they had left but they said O no, they were just invisible and I said O. Then we all sang the song together "Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday too." And then they said Goodbye and I went in and had dinner.

I wrote out what happened to me and my teacher wrote "good job very creative" on it. My mother put it on the refrigerator.

Published by Robert on 2011-04-28

I didn't find anything when I went looking. The only thing I found was an old tennis ball that was wet from being in the grass all night. Then Chase and Gavin asked me what I was doing and I told them and they said that only sissies believed in fairies and that the fairies would probably eat me. They said they would tell the other kids and they did.

I was walking home from school and I saw that mark with the four lines. It was scratched into a rock, the big rock that the sidewalk curves around, where the woods come right up to the edge of the sidewalk. There is a ditch on the other side of the rock. I climbed down into the ditch and saw that in the shadow of the rock there was a ring in the grass. The shadow made the ring look dark, like a hole. It looked like it was just a shadow, but I knew it had to be a tunnel, so I crawled into it and I was right.

The tunnel was long and winding, and really, really dark. I had my backpack with all of my school books, and a flashlight. I got out the flashlight. It made the tunnel really bright, because the walls were sparkly. The end of the tunnel was around one of the bends and was covered with a piece of cloth. I pushed aside the cloth and I was in a big room. There were bowls with fire in them on the wall, so I turned off my flashlight.

The room had big barrels in it, and was kind of boring, so I went to the door and pushed it open. I was careful to look out first before I went through it, because you never know what might see you. There was an even bigger room there, with a big fire in the middle, and a lot of tables that were my size and a lot of chairs that were my size and a lot of people that were my size. The people were very ugly, but I don't think they knew that.

All of the people were singing. Their song went "Monday Tuesday". Those were the only words. They kept singing them. "Monday Tuesday, Monday Tuesday." I liked the song. Some of them were dancing and kicking their legs and spinning around. "Monday Tuesday," they all said. They clapped for some of the time, but most of the time they just sang "Monday Tuesday."

I sang too. "Monday Tuesday, Monday Tuesday." They didn't see me until I came out into the middle of the room. They were very ugly and the same size as me and they all looked at me and kept on singing. I sang "Monday Tuesday" and they sang "Monday Tuesday" and then I sang "And Wednesday too," and it got really quiet and they all looked at me and I thought they were going to eat me.

I will post more later, so you will be able to know that I got back alright and don't need to worry about me.

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