

Thereamid is designed so that you can contribute your own ideas and stories to the Setting. We have a Genre Guide that talks about the kind of stories we are trying to tell, a forum where you can talk in and out of character, and an entire wiki about the world. You are encouraged to contribute your own additions to the wiki, and to create your own characters and stories.

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Contributors to this page: admin .
Page last modified on Sunday 24 of April, 2011 08:59:01 CDT by admin.

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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike? License
Faerie Courts? Copper
Glamour? Copper
Glamour? Fae
Great Migration? Copper
Great Migration? Fae
Great Migration? Sycamore
In-Character? CommunityGuide
Lady of the Towers? Fae
MacDonald? Inspiration
Manheim? Otherworld
Oisin? TheSetting
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Shapings? The Lighted Path
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StoryGuide_Willow? Willow
The Long Lady? The Lighted Path
TheWoadWalkerAbroad? ElfLight
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Trees? Willow
Woad Walker? ElfLight
pixies? Fae