Genre Guide locked

Your original contributions are welcome, but we want to be sure that your writing fits in. Deviate too far from the Setting and your words will have the wrong shape.

  1. Encountering the otherworld changes people. There's a price to be paid, even if it isn't apparent right away. Sometimes it's something small, sometimes its a change for the better, but often its something that gets at the core of who you are.
  2. Force is usually the weakest option. What good is a machine gun if Baba Yaga will just turn it into a rose bush? Characters who try to go in swinging will soon find themselves outmatched by stronger or subtler beings. Giants are seldom slain in outright combat.
  3. Character is useful. A character who has strong internal or external principles and follows them (even at a cost) is paradoxically going to be more successful than a character who has no internal compass. But there's often a price to be paid.
  4. Both conformity and iconoclasm have their place. If you end up as a servant of the Hag Of One Eye, she'll expect you to do all of the chores without slacking. Even if they're impossible to complete in time without help or trickery.
  5. No vampires. No zombies. You can be more original than that.

The original document is available at